Shout by Greeneidal

The Secret Life of Pets 2016

You know that feeling when you see a new movie and you feel you have seen everything before?!?

Well...The Secret Life of Pets gives me that feeling in spades. It's not that it looks or sounds bad, it's not that characters aren't funny, but everything feels so damn uninspired...

The voices are the worst offender. Everything sounds the same, and you get the feeling the voice actors were very bored when doing this movie.

The animation gets a pass as it's not bad, but there's a whole lot of movies out there at the moment that does things better.

The story isn't all that good, but at least it wasn't all that boring. I actually laughed out loud at a couple of gags. The thing is...I've seen most of the gags in other movies.

I can't really recommend this one, but if you have someone around you that wants to see it, you won't die from watching it...

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