Alex' coming out was so pure/real and important fml. Yes straight ppl this is how you develop a gay character. That storyline is real as fuck IT HAPPENS IN THE FUCKING REAL LIFE so get over the "the writers just want to please the gays or can the writers stop writing stories that have nothing to do with their sexual preference?". We need/deserve this rep. And finally, i'm so glad the writers pulled this off i'm really looking forward to see maggie falling for alex ahhhhh fuck

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@alexdanvers I agree with everything you said! Representation is so important and this is the most well-written, accurate coming out storyline I've ever seen. I don't understand people complaining that there's too much focus on Alex's or Maggie's sexual orientation. Like??? There's always a lot of focus on straight characters' orientation and relationships but if a character's gay then suddenly it's a problem? Fuck that. This storyline is so important and I can't wait to see where it goes.

@alexdanvers I haven't seen any haters comment on Alex, but I'm sure they're out there. As a straight person, I really like Alex's storyline. Humanizing what it might be like to come out as opposed to just making the character gay to check a box so to speak. The confusion/pain makes her character so much more interesting than the 1-dimensional first season version.

@alexdanvers Ikr - I almost applauded through some misty eyes...

@redshirt You know how important this is? Theres thousands of young girls out there who needs orientation and supergirl is providing it in some way. its fantastic. They know in some way that someone is there for them as kara is there for alex.

@aniela-krajewska its always a problem for the homophobics smh. but i can know say that i trust the writers my life. they are doing justice to the gay characters. and btw -fuck jronthenberg-
