Review by Vero

Artemis, you little traitorous bastard. I knew there was something wrong with her. That explains why Prometheus didn't kill her in the train and how easy it was for her to cut him in the arm. I never cared a lot about her character, but now I'm intrigued. What is she all up to? Is she still blaming Ollie for her parent's death? Is Prometheus her brother? Or is she just trying to trick him? I know it's impossible but this Prometheus plan seems taken from the "Malcolm Merlin textbook to killing and framing others". That's his kind of strategy.

Vigilante was cool, though. It's pretty obvious he's Adrian Chase. I'm now wondering whether Vigilante has something to do with Prometheus. I mean, is it him too or is he under his orders. He didn't even hurt Evelyn. Perhaps Prometheus told Vigilante not to hurt her because she's his double agent.

I simply love Thea and Quentin scenes together, very emotional. Their father-daughter relationship is so real that gives me goosebumps. My heart breaks every time he mentions Laurel. All he's been through. He lost his daughters, and now that little b**** and his Prometheus partner frames him. Stop hurting Quentin.

And the references to season one. That "twitch, and I open your throat" had me on internal combustion. They mentioning Slade and his bamboo sticks brought good memories. Even more since we know he's coming back for the crossover. I hope it's not a flashback, but Slade in the flesh. Our prayers have been heard. Quentin and Thea mentioning Moira and Laurel was a nice touch considering the crossover too.

Overall, it was a good episode, full of action and fight scenes, although some of them were weird, like Curtis'. Why does he get beaten every episode anyways? He's kinda annoying. Wild Dog is growing on me.

I so enjoyed Felicity's "hanging around out" joke. It made me giggle. I also enjoyed how everyone ignored her.

Now, let's just wait for the amazing crossover. I can't wait to see Slade back again. That's good times!

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