Review by Vero

I've been looking forward to this, and it didn't disappoint. Kevin Smith should direct more episodes: cool and emotional.

"Oh my God, Julian is Dr Alchemy. What a surprise" said nobody, ever. I guess Malfoy never changes. That was the worse kept secret ever. Although I guess he's not doing it consciously or maybe someone's forcing his hand, or split personatity. I hope there's something else. I love the scene between Caitlin and Barry. It got me at the edge of my seat. I really love Barry and Cisco's brotherly relationship and I refuse to see them fighting like this. It breaks my heart to see the funny Cisco turned into a depressed character. And finally Barry came to his senses and admitted what we all shouted in last year's finale "why didn't I follow you inside the house?"
I loved badass Killer Frost scenes. And her powers are more impressive than her earth-2 doppelganger, like the cold breath. I laughed so loud when she kidnapped Julian only to have him Google some shit up. I get she did it because he saw her, but anyways, it was fun to watch. And Julian made Barry quit CSI, although I guess he will soon be hired again. Honestly, Barry did one of the things I've been looking forward for someone to do since the second episode: punch Julian right in the face. "This lab is your life", well Iris, we've seen Barry more time out of his lab than inside, so I guess that's not his life, although that's where it all started.

And wtf, every single speedster is now faster than Barry? he's got to be the slowest speedster alive. I'm still waiting for the hell of a pep talk Barry will eventually need to defeat Savitar. By the way, that first scene with Savitar dragging Barry around and taking him through the speedforce was awesome.

Now that Wally has powers I hope he stops whinning about everything. it annoys me, although I get his point. I liked his reaction, though. It made me laugh.

And now, let's get into the crossover. I can't be more exited for the superhero team-up!

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Ragdoll Barry was something of an experience.

I'm half expecting the solution to super-duper-speedy Savitar to be some sort of powers-fusion between Barry, Jessie, and Wally. But, if it is, make it look a lot better than I just made it sound, please?
