Shout by nawa


Season 1

The season is over, and it was amazing, really. But I have a thing to say. I feel it won't be as interesting for binge-watchers as it was to those who followed it live. Part of the fun (for me of course) was guessing, reading theories on reddit and twitter for a week, and then seeing them unfold in the new episode. That's something binge-watchers will not have the luxury of. On the other hand, they won't have to wait for a week either…

That's not to say the show has nothing to offer besides theorising. The cast is terrific (Anthony Hopkins obviously stands out and he is amazing), the setting is perfect, the storyline is engaging, and no Chekhov's guns are left hanging.

This show is a must.

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@nawanawa I have to add that I just finished the first season in 2 days... And man. What. A. Ride!


Reply by BlueGoose
Blocked2018-05-18T15:13:32Z— updated 2019-09-19T20:22:41Z

@nawanawa Oh no. The show is great for a binge watcher. Since season two has started I'm debating watching it now or waiting until it's over.

I've only watched a couple of shows with a passion and "live" (Heroes, and Boomtown). I was going nuts between each episode; so reading theories, guessing, etc. - isn't part of my enjoyment.

I was holding my bathroom breaks to finish Westworld episodes because I was glued to the television. - fantastic show!
