Shout by Kurtis Money

Bad Moms 2016

If you see the poster to this movie, the R rating and the fact it's from The Hangover producers and you think oh cool, this looks like a fun time...YOURE WRONG. DO NOT SEE THIS PIECE OF SHIT. ITS NOTHING LIKE THAT. This is a Katherine Heigl type movie with the F word. Man it was terrible. Also it's not an ensemble piece. This is ALL about Mila Kunis' character. Bell and Hahn are nothing more than her new friends. I can't believe I saw this in theaters. I wouldn't even Redbox this pile of garbage. Would have walked out if I wasnt a weirdo about finishing movies. SO BAAAAAAAAD

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@kurtmoney I enjoyed Bad Moms more than I ever enjoyed The Hangover though. But yeah, it's a shame they focus too much on Mila's character :<

@lifeiscrazy Nah, it's probably just because it's a movie about independent ladies that don't take bullshit from guys anymore.
Most guys just want some ego stroke and for a change it's finally the total opposite.
I see mostly guys rate this movie incredibly low. And based on what? lol
Rating this movie just a 1 is ridiculous. It's not THAT bad. It's unfairly down rated with numbers that make no sense.
Just be fair and stop being so dramatic and overreacting.

@sopherian I rated this movie incredibly low based on the fact that it was first promoted as a raunchy ensemble comedy with three women I am a huge fan of in , especially Hahn and Bell. Instead what I got was a paint by number, standard, boring, subpar rom com just about Mila Kunis with the smallest of moments from the two others in bit parts. I'll admit my "1" rating was based on my gut reaction after feeling like I got the ol bait and switch on the advertising. If I was to rate this now a few months after the fact, I'd probably give it a 4. That feels like a fair rating to me.

@kurtmoney Yet your initial rating stands, somehow?
