It was epic, I left with that buzz of excitement that only Star Wars can offer.

It fits in very well with the rest of the film's and really enhances the full story. Just wanted to get back and watch A New Hope as soon as I got home.

My only concern is that because it was good it will just open the flood gates, and for the next 10 years we'll get an overload of "additional" film's. I don't want it to become what Marvel has, who seem to just be churning out film's, some are good some are bad, they're just playing the odds.

Lucasfilm should focus on good solid film's only, as a fan I am willing to wait a few years between to really get the best films.

The end with Vader, just absolutely epic, brings back that unmistakable feeling I had as a child watching the originals, he is so damn badass. For the whole thing I was trying to work out where this film fits, I knew it fell between "Revenge" and "Hope" but I do like that it is near immediately before "Hope", really makes a New Hope more dramatic

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