Wow. Just... wow.

I think the mind-boggling depth of them all being (what appeared to be) fully "present" at several different birthday parties at once was what impressed my poor struggling brain the most. But there was so much else. The varied real personal struggles of each of Will, Lito, Sun, Kala, Wolfgang,... and the way they keep growing more fluent with their connections, keep showing up for each other...

Okay, yeah, the sex-visuals were arguably a bit much, IMO, but those weird virtual-orgy-esque crossovers are completely consistent with the growing connections (and blurring boundaries?) between the cluster-members, so...

Did I mention wow?

Looking forward to how these struggles all proceed, and what the cluster does about Whispers -- did Riley's flickering eyes look like she was chasing the beginnings of an idea? -- when episodes resume...

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