Shout by chazTV

La La Land 2016

It wasn't awful, but, I think I must be the only person in the world who didn't think it was great. There were times when breaking out into song mid-conversation without some sort of elaborate set-change didn't make sense, The 2 leads weren't exactly talented singers or dancers -- no wow numbers. The sets improved by the time the final number rolled around, but the singing and dancing remained an afterthought.

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@chaztv i respect your opinion and i think with this movie they were trying to bring an Original movie like no other ones that we are seeing right now, like "The Sound of Music" "Singin' in the Rain" kind of thing. so they weren't trying to make it like a concert or pop thing. so the voices doesn't matter, the only that matter is the message behind it! u gotta see the bigger picture to understand it. hope u get my idea, Thx!

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@mounirabbas La La Land isn't in the same league as the classics you mentioned, so no, it's not the "same kind of thing". The actors involved might have a place in modern day film, but they aren't talented enough to pull off the same level of singing or dancing as Julie Andrews, Gene Kelly, or Debbie Reynolds. Doesn't mean no new actor ever will, but Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone don't come close.

@chaztv You aren't. It was even far from good.

@snworf i didn't compare them and i would never. beside u can't compare two different eras. this is the modern age, and i was trying to explain the way the director wanted it to go and still keep it modern in someway, that's all.

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@mounirabbas You compared them in your first remark. You won't be changing any viewer comments by debating them, no one who doesn't care for a film isn't going to suddenly change their mind because you say it's good. If you feel that strongly about it, instead of trolling other user's opinions... just post your own review.

@chaztv Not a bad movie, but I agree with you.

@snworf i'm not trying to change anyone opinions i respect everyone set of mind, didn't debate either. i just explained the movie direction. and i don't expect anybody to change his views just becuz i said hey it's good. everyone is different in his unique way. network makes us appear what we fear inside, and trust me i'm nothing like u imagining me, just understand my point here and u'll get me.

@chaztv This movie would have been a lot better if instead of choosing famous actors they chose the best singers/dancers. Also, Emma Stone's acting was so cringey.

@chaztv I'm with you. Really want to love this—it's fun, not amazing. The lead up, pre-screening, "making of" hype was more dynamic, frankly. And I can't get past Emma Stone. Stone is cute, but breaks the wall for me. I'm thinking like maybe Emma Watson would have been more interesting opposite Ryan Gosling? On the other hand I'm cuckoo for Gosling who brings charm and intelligence to everything he does. So fetching!!!! so mixed bag, but fun popcorn flick.

@chaztv It's funny because that's exactly why I loved this movie. Because Emma and Ryan are not the best singers and dancers, so it made their performances more real. What I hate about most musicals is that the dancing and singing is too far off from the characters being played, like in West Side Story, for example, the Jets are vandals, but suddenly they're dancing and singing like professionals? It feels like I'm watching two different movies blended together.

Here, the musical parts seems to blend in better with the rest of the movie, it makes it more relatable.
