Shout by Lydia Mitchell

Crocodile Dundee 1986

I watched this again for the nostalgia value and oh boy, times they have a'changed. Smoking, slapstick and sexism are rampant in this film. Despite this, its still an enjoyable and irreverent film with an iconic Aussie caricature.

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@lorumipsomlydia Not to mention asking a black man if he was in a tribe.

@jim222001 Oh definitely, that's so offensive, it's embarrassing.

@lorumipsomlydia Smoking aside, literally everything is freaking offensive, sexist or racist these days to you people. That's why cinema nowadays is a total shit. Nobody can take a joke anymore, laugh at yourself.
Dundee is from a tiny village, he never been outside of it even. He's sort of a tribe man himself. For him asking what tribe is the black guy is not offensive at all, it's the opposite. Look at the context! We're all part of the culture we grew in.

@ragnarlothbrok Funny you should bring up the context, I also grew up in a very small community coincidentally not far from where parts of this were filmed, that doesn't mean I still can't look at the way my grandparents and parents behave and know we can do better in treating others with respect.
In the context of the 80s and even 90s this was one of my favourite movies because it was as close as I felt to represented on screen. In the context of the 2020s though? It is a product of its time and Aussie culture has changed, you can still enjoy something while acknowledging its faults. Peace out.
