Shout by Jess

Bite 2015


Shout by Jess

It was quite okay, typical storyline for this kinda show imo. I just wanted to know what bug or fish bit her but i never got the answer after the whole show. Just a bug who can lay fish roes? Maybe my knowledge of the bug world isn't well enough so i didn't get it or something XD But if you fancy gory stuff then this show really has pretty good effects and make up. The ending part boggled me, when Jill was kissed by Casey and had goo comin out of her mouth, i thought she was gonna die coz i assumed that stuff was acid since her mother-in-law had her face burnt off, but nothing happened after, so i was kinda surprised by it. Lastly, Jared squashed her gooddddd, hahaha just like how most bugs got killed when they invade our house. (Hadta say that out loud) Soooo, all in all it's a good one-time watch for me.

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