Review by dunpealhunter

The Call 2013

I can (somewhat, in a small way) relate to this movie, years ago i worked for a few years in a callcenter of a major cable company. The way you sometimes have to guide someone to a solution, like Halle Berry did with the kidnapped girl was in a weird way very recognizable. Off course solving someones tv or internet troubles is not the same as a life or death situation (some of the customers i got on the phone during that time thought very differently about that though) where 911 operators have to deal with almost every single call. But still, i thought it was very nice after all those years to see some of the technical and communicational aspects of that part of the job.

Now the movie itself: Its not that spectacular that i would like to see it anytime again soon, but its still good enough to have an enjoyable evening. Halle Berry managed to do a pretty decent job as a 911 operator. We as the viewer get a very good idea what it is to be a 911 operator.

Michael Eklund (the kidnapper/psychopath) was very believable in his role, but i feel that the writer and director could have done more to explain why he does what he does. At the end it was still somewhat unclear to me what drove him to those acts.

The ending involved a twist i found quite enjoyable. I am not gonna say what, you'll have to see the movie for yourself, but because of that i gave this movie an 8 instead of what else would be a 7. All in all it is a good movie with a healthy amount of suspense added to it.

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Reply by ketu

+1 for all what you said, but I might add, that I did not expected that ending (which I liked).
