Review by Galileo5

The Lego Batman Movie 2017

I expected a good time and was not dissapointed. I WAS surprised however how touching it was in parts. Succeeding where countless live action Batman movies have failed in showing the human side of Batman instead of Bruce Wayne. If I remember correctly in most of not all Batman movies screen time is split 50/50 for Wayne and Batman, give or take. Insightful character reflection is always reserved for the Wayne scenes, as the Batman scenes are filled with action. Not in this movie. The spotlight is almost exclusively on Batman, including the moments of self doubts and fear. That is a completely new approach and that's where it differs from a simple animated kids movie. I'd go even as far to say that while it may not be the best Batman movie, it is - for me at least - the most in-depth and portrayal of the caped crusader ever. So, yes the movie is a lot of fun with a ton of references and Easter eggs I'd probably need a second and third viewing to find them all, but beyond that it also gives you a glimpse into Batman's psyche in a way no other Batman movie has before. I would give this 8/10.

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