[4.6/10 on a post-classic Simpsons scale] I think the middling but amiable recent Simpsons episodes have lulled me to the point that I forgot how bad the show could get at points there. This is not the worst the show would get, but it’s pretty lazy and lumpy and meh. It has the usual problems, like an opening segment that is overly exaggerated and then quickly forgotten. (Stealing the damn Olympic torch as a forgettable opening gag? I mean, really?) The first act riffs on a prep school luncheon were tired, often semi-mean-spirited, and mostly disconnected.

But the heart of the story is no better. Bart’s would-be romance with Gretta is lame sitcom level stuff, with Bart oblivious to her affections and then jealous when she (bafflingly) dates Milhouse instead. It’s hacky material, made worse by the weak humor and cliché characterization of everyone involved in the love triangle.

The only saving grace is that some of the material with Ranier Wolfcastle is amusing enough. His devolving into movie lines with Bart and hanging with Homer provides the few chuckles that exist.

But overall, this is a forgettable, skippable episode if I’ve ever seen one.

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