Review by Vero


Dean: "So we lie?"
Sam: "Yeah, a lot".
The whole show in a nutshell. I can't wait to see the blooper of that scene.

Douchebusters vs Ghostfacers! I really need to see that happen. Ed and Harry will smash them! And "From" calling. It cracked me up.

I'm glad Sam didn't keep lying to Dean and that he didn't get passed because of it. But I'm sorry for Dean, he truly feels betrayed. First his mom and now Sam. When he finds out about Cas...poor squirrel.

"I'm 10 steps ahead". I guess that in the CW network all the villains have to be 10 steps ahead of the protagonist. Crowley is Savitar disguised as Adrian Chase. Good one CW.

And poor Baby. She'll always be Dean's #1 woman. That Hellhound hurt baby, she's definitely going down.

This season's been great. The episode was full of one liners and we got to see more of Mark Pellegrino, man I really missed him. When I think Supernatural can't surprise me more, it strikes back.
I really loved Crowley mocking Dean, that and the boys talking at the same time will ever be my favourite thing in the world.

On balance, an awesome episode. Classic Supernatural. This is the reason why I love the show and why I always will.

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