Review by Vero

Just wow. What a great episode. I'm impressed by Cisco's dramatic scenes this episode. I knew Caitlin wasn't going to die and yet it was intense as hell. That scene was heartbreaking. I blame the lime jello. The Flash's writers totally hang out with Arrow's. They even copied the "She's fine after surgery. She must die" scene. She's attended the Laurel Lance's school of dying. And her last line "Cross my heart and I hope to....(flatline)". But I have to say it, I'm ridiculously excited to see Killer Frost back! I just got one question, couldn't Barry just phase the shrapnel off of her? Anyway, I loved her transformation, it looked very comicbooky.

Barry be like "Oh, there's a pretty timeline it would be a pity if someone decided to screw it".

Speedforce: "Barry don't fuck up the timeline".
Barry: "Ok, I won't, I promise" (creates flashpoint)
Speedforce: "Barry, wtf?"
Barry: "Ok, I learnt my lesson, won't happen again"
Speedforce: "Finally Barry. We're glad you understood the risks"
Barry: "...ah, loophole, you didn't mean the future..."
The Speedforce warned him and what is Barry going to do? Exactly, fuck the timeline twice as hard. Man, at this time time wraith be like: "Oh no, that reckless psycho again". Dangers of changing the past, yeah, but the future? Loophole. The Speedforce must be facepalming so hard. What happened to Gideon, she's from the future for God's sake, ask her.

H.R.'s only purpose this episode was to come there and find the house on fire. Idk, people being absent for a period of time are suspicious.

Abra Kadabra was awesome. And did he just tease Barry one of his future enemies? DeVoe, will he be the antagonist next season?

And next episode is April 25th! I'm happy and angry! I'm totally freaking out about Barry's new sickass suit. And Future Emo Barry just copied Oliver's style in Russia. That wig is the real time remnant. He looks like Peter Parker. I just found it funny that ep 19 is directed by Tom Cavanagh because H.R. is from Earth 19

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