I don't think I've ever given the Kardashians more than a passing glance as their pictures tend to pop up a lot, but less so when you aren't in social media like me. This Kardashian musical is awesome though, and I would actually pay a ticket to watch it live! This RPDR episode was particularly enjoyable not just for the great entertainment of the performance, but also because there was a lot less bickering than usual. Everyone was actually pleasant and civil towards each other (at least in the episode, who knows what we'll see on Untucked).

You know, I totally get Nina. Sulking is fine, and some of us do it, and we can't help it. I know it's a horrible attitude and bums everyone out and all, but... I sure can't help it, and apparently neither can Nina. The difference between me and her though, is that she at least tries to deliver despite personal objections, so I give her mad props for that alone. I really hope she'll recover from this low, because she's totally awesome in everything she WANTS to do.

I also totally get Farrah Moan - I also completely lack coordination and stage presence, but then again, I didn't make that into my line of work. I want to like her because she's so cute, but cute isn't enough.

That elimination thought - NOT EXPECTED. But I'm looking forward to next season, because as many personality flaws this queen had, SHE DELIVERED!

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