Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-05-03T08:16:09Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:01:13Z

We're finally out of the Framework! It was a very well-written alternate reality, but the whole thing where you try to convince people that it's all fake and they don't believe you gets tiring after a while. I'm glad it's over. Now we can focus on fixing things in the real world.

Just to kick things off, May calling Jemma "little pop tart" is the most adorable thing in the history of everything and I want to get it tattoed.

I loved Daisy and Trip's interactions so much! They are so cute together. But I feel sad, too. When Trip asked Daisy if they dated in the real world... They almost did. You could see just a hint of longing in Daisy's eyes. For a second she imagined all the things that could've happened between them, but never did, all the possibilities that are now lost. And then she had to say goodbye to him for the second time. I may have teared up little bit.

(Who am I kidding? I definitely teared up. And that was only the beginning of the heartbreak.)

I knew Mack would decide to stay with Hope. I freaking knew it. To be honest, I'd probably do the same if I were ever in that position, but it was devastating nonetheless. Yo-Yo looked absolutely crushed. And Daisy crying and telling Mack that she doesn't want to lose him... I just want to hug her so badly! Chloe was so good in this episode. She channeled all the emotions perfectly.

Coulson and May had some nice moments too. Framework May saving Coulson and then trusting him and taking the leap of faith was great. And her little smile when she woke up and he was there! Try to watch that scene and not go "Awww", I dare you.

Poor Fitz! Iain de Caestecker strikes again and blows me away with his performance. He was so horrified by what he had done. And he genuinely thinks that he's a bad person now. I felt like screaming when he called Aida "Ophelia". I can't really blame him though, anyone would be confused after being brainwashed and manipulated by a batshit crazy android. I know he can fight it. I believe in him.

Apparently Aida has some weird teleportation powers? Where the hell did she take Fitz? Bitch, Simmons is coming for you. If we don't get a fight between the two of them, I'll be so bitter.

And Jemma, baby! The look on her face when Fitz put the gun to her head destroyed me. It was like she had accepted her fate and was ready to die at the hands of the love of her life. I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank the heavens for Radcliffe. He did the right thing in the end.

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