Shout by markiz83


Season 2

Comparing to the first season this one is pure desepointment. Good series ruined :(

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@markiz83 yeah it definitely feels not as good as season 1! I think so far I only liked that restaurant sensate fight! Such a pity. Hope this gets better if it gets to be renewed.

@stephordwife actually the last or three episodes where ok, so maybe there is hope yet

@markiz83 Yeah, I'm with you. I think the last episode definitely took my interest again where they got back to their roots. I'm just kinda disappointed that Sun didn't really accomplish much? But all in all, it felt like the characters were kinda stuck and I didn't see them evolve, you know?

@stephordwife yep, also the overall feeling was that the series became to cheesy. lots of unnecessary dramatic moments, lousy new characters. its like the show become one of Lito's movies.

@markiz83 I agree, and on top of that, the finale... OMFG, why would they do that to us??? Kala is dying and she doesn't because they use a taser gun on her??? really???? and that wedding, so boring, so cliché... It felt like they decided to give viewers a happy ending so that maybe they wouldn't complain anymore, I f**cking hated it. Like you said, good series ruined :(
