Review by Deleted

The title of this film tells you all about the spirit in which it was made and what it is all about. I do have to warn you though I don’t think I saw any of the zombies wearing lederhosen.

The three leads in this film were engaging and nowhere near as annoying as they might have been given their characteristics. The film is funny and weighing in at seventy-seven minutes long the makers clearly realise not the stretch their joke thin.

The special effects are imaginative and gory enough for this type of film and reminded me so much of 1980s horror films but I cannot see any adults being scared or hiding their faces in the gore moments in this day and age. It’s retro blood and prosthetics but nothing horrifying or sick inducing.

Unfortunately, the targets the makers are aiming at are probably missed on average more than hit and although the laughs and zombie gore is there neither are particularly special or clever. The sub-genre of zombie-comedy horrors is nearly as overcrowded as the zombie genre itself and this film probably sits slap-bang in the middle. It is not Shaun of the Dead by neither is it Zombeavers. Even at the short running time I felt once we got the snowboarders on their boards ‘dude’ the film became less funny and more self-indulgent and the final fifteen minutes started to lose me.

All-in-all though as the title might suggest Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies is a silly film and if you adjust your expectations accordingly you probably will not be disappointed but a word of warning if the title makes you raise your eyes to the heavens and sigh best avoid.

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