6.5/10. There's a few times when I know a subject and feel like Oliver & Co. are giving the other side the short shrift, but there's also episodes like this, where I know very little about dialysis but something feels off. Little details like treating settlements as admissions of wrongdoing (90+% of cases settle) and taking individual testimonials rather than pointing to survey data or broader figures makes this feel like bending things to make a point rather than making a fair assessment. And what's particularly frustrating is that I completely believe there are problems in the commercial dialysis industry, but contrary to the show's usual M.O., Oliver doesn't really offer a solution or a proposal to how it could be improved. He just concludes with a meh riff on Taco Bell and encouragement to donate your organs after you die which, hey, I am totally on board with, but doesn't feel like a real policy answer to the problem identified.

The top of the show was just okay as well. Again, sometimes Trump is hard to make fun of because the stuff he does is so ludicrous in and of itself, but this was another instance of Oliver offering pretty much the same take as other late night commentators. His gags about New Zealand's leader were amusing enough, but as John himself pointed out, it's not like they haven't done this sort of thing before already, and the terrible pizzas was kind of an easy gag.

Overall, I'm glad to see the show doing a main story on a little-known issue again, but this didn't feel like as fulsome or fair a look at the problem as I've come to expect from LWT.

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