That scene. That freaking scene. He gave it all up. He sacrificed himself to save the world. He fucking gave his own life to be on the right side of the board and trap Lucifer once and for all. That's a big turning point for Crowley. That was his redemption. I love Crowley so much and I don't want this to happen. I'm so shocked right now. His death was the only one I think is gonna stick and it hurts so much. It socks he had to go, but he went out full style. His monologue to Lucifer was chilling and amazingly delivered. That was his goodbye, although I hope we'll see our King again. I'm sure I'm gonna miss him so badly.

"Bye, boys". Goodbye my sweet darling and thank you for everything. That line killed me. It destroyed me. I knew that with Lucifer on the board, this wasn't gonna end happily but saying goodbyeike he did, ufff, those ninjas again.

Of everything wasn't overwhelming enough we got BOBBY back! Well, not the one we know, but I'll take Alternate!Bobby over no Bobby at all in a heartbeat. I knew it had to be him. We still continue with the long tradition of having him for at least one episode each season. It was so damn good to see him again, enjoying killing angels as a hobby. Btw, I loved the fact that Dean was so obnoxiously happy when he discovered Bobby had angel-killing bullets right next to Cas, whose expression was priceless. And he need his gun Rufus! I couldn't believe that. Mam, I cracked up.

That world, though. A world in which the Winchesters are never born and which, in turn, is advocated to disaster and failure. A world the Winchesters never saved. Just damn! It speaks volumes of what these two guys have accomplished on their own.

The plan was perfect and then Cas went into that world after being with Kelly before the baby is born and the second I saw him fighting Lucifer like a badass I had this strange vibe coming out from my stomach but I didn't want to believe it. Then he comes back and gets stabbed by Lucifer right in front of Dean.

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