To be honest, Lee is pissing me off at this point. I understood why she hated Jim for killing Mario way back when (even if I never understood why he didn't tell her that he was about to freaking kill her!!!). I don't understand why that's transformed into blaming him for literally everything in the world to the point of saying that he's "infected" the rest of the department . And not liking her sucks SO FREAKING BAD cause I used to love her more than absolutely anyone ever. I mean Morena Baccarin is just absolutely beyond amazing, I love her so much, ever since Firefly! Ivy being so utterly determined to wake up Selina was beyond adorable though.

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Harvey's right about Lee. She's hurt, in many different ways, and her only outlet so far is to blame Jim, in many different ways. That probably gets easier if she can suspect him of other ways of infecting her life, the GCPD, Gotham, etc.

Sooner or later, carrying all of that around, she's going to implode. Probably right after watching Jim do something massively heroic to save the city. :-(
