You know what, fuck this show, and the writers, and the poorly written plot and overused plot twists! What the hell happened to this show, it had so much potential, how did they let it get this bad? Not sure if they got renewed for s4, but I doubt I'll be watching it. I'm done.

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@valkyrja i agree with you, it just slipped, this season was really bad and it made me loose interest. The writting is VERY POOR, like really bad.. but yeah it has already been renewed for some weeks now so we'll see. The writters are probably gonna catch up on season 5 just like it happened with Arrow

@goncaalo i started loosing interest after i saw Legion, great show and doesnt treats you like an idiot like flash. The acting in flash is getting me bored.

@valkyrja I spent the whole finale just murmuring to myself "Nah..they can't be...Nah" It is like they forgot they had a finale until the last minute.

@raichuuu Another crybaby. I hope you never came back. zzzz
