"Now what?"

The flood didn't come, the world survived. Senior is still in shock, like the prologue to this season with the lady getting on the roof waiting to get taken. You can believe in something so much but it will always just keep disappointing you.

I'm glad Kevin finally realized he was being a coward for always running from Nora. All it took was an unfinished romance novel. He has just been killing himself to distract himself from Nora and the real world. That scene between the two Kevins was beautifully bloody (the song was perfect) and that last shot it the afterlife was very similar to Fight Club. I was so glad to see Patti and Meg again.

Kevin is now in a race against time to try and get to Nora before she uses that machine. This has always been a love story between two broken people and I hope he gets there in time but it wouldn't be the Leftovers if it wasn't depressing. Only one episode left...

What was with the penis scanner!? They even had a thud sound effect for when he used it.

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The thud sound effect made me laugh so hard!
