Review by moonkodi

Found 2012

You could see and hear that it was low budget at times. When I checked the budget it was $8000. Amazing effort for the cost. I forgive all of the small imperfections.
Overall the acting was OK. The main parts were acted well , so that area was covered. It could have been really bad otherwise. I didn't know where the story was going, and more importantly I didn't get bored due to that. It wasn't empty for me where as others may feel bored. The atmosphere (which used lots of OK music) and the characters (again OK apart from Marty who was really good) carried the movie. The camerwork was good. The interactions between the kids are pretty much of a Stephen King or Joe Dante style but more sinister and real. The story was a slow burner but it developed when it needed to. The pace wasn't to my liking at first but then I enjoyed it, and it suited Marty's ever increasing feeling of pressure. A character that actually has a journey. There is a message about bullying and a backwards society. The end is completely nuts. I wasn't sure if the end did justice to the story but it was good for other reasons.

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