This brings back memories. Back in the '90s I used to fill up videotapes with episodes of TNG recorded off Sky 1 (a 4-hour tape using the long play setting allowed 9 or 10 episodes!). This episode was one that I remember watching a lot, and it was absolutely one of my favourites. Rewatching it now, it still is. 'Remember Me' is classic Star Trek and it's so much fun. The concept is completely daft and yet they make it work.

Beverly rarely got to have episodes focused on her, and it's a shame because Gates McFadden is completely able to carry the show. She has a number of scenes all by herself and she keeps things interesting. Her dynamic with the Captain also serves to keep things more interesting than it would be with another character, as they are always less formal around each other. Gotta love the two of them on the bridge: "you're telling me the two of us cruise around the galaxy with no crew?!" - "we've never needed one before."

In a nice bit of continuity, we also get the Traveller returning. I find him a bit creepy, to be honest. This also continues Wesley's journey to his later destiny. There's some really nice cinematography on show, notably with the silhouettes against the vortex and the transition as we discover what's happening on the "other side".

I also noticed that by this point in the show, they've really nailed the aesthetic it will come to be known for. The ship feels super cosy.

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