Shout by Reiko LJ

Nocturnal Animals 2016

It's the morning after and I still don't know what to feel about this film. It was much heavier than I was expecting, that's for sure!
The theme is dark and powerful and the parallels drawn are interesting.
Was the book and the journey it took Susan on some kind of belated 'punishment' for aborting his child all those years ago? Was it just art to share with her to show her that he could do it? Standing her up at the end implies the former but who can really say. It's always nice to watch a film outside the hollywood template but did this one try too hard?

Like the art in Susan's gallery it's all subjective. All I know is it took me on a journey and drew me in successfully. The tension in that first section of the book was overwhelming. Incredible acting as always from Amy; Gyllenhaal, Shannon and Taylor-Johnson were stand out too though. I loved the way the director frequently framed Amy with a solid black background or with the red of her office. Some really striking visuals for her scenes.

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