As Trek so often proves, the sci-fi part of a story can be the most uninteresting thing; it's the characters we're here to see. A wonderful Worf episode brings his son Alexander to live with him, and it's an emotional rollercoaster. We are shown a Worf completely out of his depth, he has no idea how to be a father and can only fall back on driving home Klingon platitudes about honour and family. At the same time we can see that he's trying genuinely hard and is clearly devoted to doing whatever is best for his son.

Counsellor Troi finally gets to be a proper counsellor for once in a gorgeous scene with Worf. Meanwhile there's some rubbish side story about trying to find a new way to travel at warp with some artificial jeopardy attached. Unless I missed something, why did Picard have to wait until RIker and Worf were clear of the fire before launching the torpedoes? The two dilemmas had no bearing on each other.

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@lefthandedguitarist To answer your question, when the torpedos hit the wave there was a high risk of radiation in the bay where Worf's son was. Picard knew that Riker and Worf were in there.
