Shout by moonkodi

Badlands 1974

Overrated. Nothing was thrilling to watch. Even scenes that should have been suspenseful or exciting had no impact. The dad dies. Who cares? The relationship seemed empty. There should have been a gold mine of interesting ideas there. None. Holly had a voice over where she is poetic, yet in the movie the most poetic she gets its saying 'I found a dead chicken this morning.' Total mismatch. The voice over was contrived to try and give some meaning. Maybe the person who made the movie concluded how empty it was, and this was his solution to inject some life? The characters weren't fleshed out enough to make us understand their actions or care. It seemed the story telling didn't have the viewer in mind. It looks nice though.

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Maybe the person who made the movie concluded how empty it was, and this was his solution to inject some life?

@moonkodi That's exactly what happened! It is generally accepted that Terrence Malick, realizing in the edit suite that the film needed something to make it watchable, added the VOs which became his trademark.
