Review by Deleted

X-Men: Apocalypse 2016

Review by Deleted

Well here we go more superhero-mutant shenanigans and if you, like me, never fell for that as youngster, (I preferred Tales of Terror and Horror comics), and as an adult left it all behind there is immediately a feeling of you are a guest at a club you are not a member of and what’s more the members of said club don’t really care if you join or not.

I was left feeling this was not a ‘pick up and play’ film.

This not to say the adventure of the unlikely human mutants left me cold or confused but I certainly felt there is a knowing wink to the fans and non-fans like me were not catered for quite so much. Even so I delved into the wacky world of the Blue Werewolf, a Teutonic Gremlin, Billy Whizz, Super Trooper Eyes, Katniss Everblue and the rest. Unsurprisingly the list of A-list young actors has increased due to the growing popularity of these movies but ironically it does not seem to have improved the quality of the acting or script.

Exceptions to this rule is Michael Fassbender who just brings a quality to any project his is in and his portrayal of Magneto certainly raises the film above the standard comic-book fare. Unfortunately, he was subjected to more angst and horror for Magneto to deal with and I do feel the human’s wipe out his family and only love motivation is overplayed as this scenario seems to happen to him every story. The second is the humourous and pitch-perfect light relief of Fassbender’s on-screen son Evan Peter or Billy Whizz or Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver his performance and his saving of the kids in the X-Mansion did genuinely make me smile and laugh.

As I said though these are exceptions, Jennifer Lawrence is surprisingly bland and unmemorable and not very mutant-like for most of the long running time and Oscar Issacs plays his big-bad Mr Angry role to the hilt but the villain’s motive is boring and so unoriginal and nonsensical it beggars belief. He wants to wipe out the world and population and make the survivors worship him – why? To what end? All that power and super-powers just so he can lord it over a small group of subservient survivors. Like every super-villain in every other film – why for goodness sake? Why? Once you’ve done that you are going to get very bored very quickly especially when you live forever.

Austen Powers style thousands if not millions of people die during this film some at the hands of Mr Angry others at the hands of ‘he’s really a good guy’ Magneto and others who must have been collateral damage. Concern for these people during the running time? None.

So, all in all, some good CGI, some awful CGI, some nice big soled boots for the ‘not that tall then’ villain and another exploding, fire filled world of ultimate doom saved at the last minute by throw the kitchen sink at the baddie and we’ll win.

This never ending cycle of explody, shouty, bombastic comic-books films will bury us all.

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