Shout by Catherine Michelle

Easy A 2010


Shout by Catherine Michelle

I adore Easy A. I originally saw it at the cinema and found upon rewatching it that it was still as witty and charming as the first time. Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci are just amazing, probably the funniest, most down to earth parents ever shown in a movie made in the US. Emma Stone was born to play the role of Olive and does it exceptionally well.

However, I think it's important to highlight hypocritical general populational issue happening in the film. While Olivie is shown to be 'destroying' her reputation by having sex, the boys that pay her are 'fixing' their own. The boys are seen as victims, or heroes, while she herself is seen as nothing less than a common whore.

Easy A is to the Scarlet Letter as 10 Things I Hate About You is to The Taming of the Shrew.

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