Of course that fucker Bakuto is alive. I hate him so much. He's an awfully weak villain and the actor who plays him definitely didn't go in the right direction with his performance. It's like he was aiming for the Charismatic Bad Guy, only he's yet to show any actual charisma. I want to roll my eyes whenever this guy is on screen.

So we got all the people that the Defenders care about in one room and they didn't interact with each other? That's bullshit.

I don't like how the others ganged up on Matt because of Elektra. Tone down that holier-than-thou attitude. You all have your secrets. And it's not like any of you would've acted differently if you were in his situation.

The overhead shot of Elektra curling up on Matt's bed surrounded by gray with her red costume spilling out from underneath her coat looked like some kind of a baroque painting. I would totally frame it and hang it on a wall in my living room. It was exquisite.

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So we got all the people that the Defenders care about in one room and they didn't interact with each other? That's bullshit.

Well, maybe. It was kind of an interesting illustration of all of these people in similar situations (due to their relationship with a Defender) that didn't know each other at all. Except for Claire. She knows everybody.

OTOH, I couldn't help feeling a little nervous that they were all in one place, even if it was a police station. Terminator, anyone? ("Oh, shit, everyone; Sarah's here, too...")
