Shout by Chris

The Thing 1982

Yes, a classic. But can we just think about it? Just because it is old and raked in money it does not need to be a classic that should be watched. Imagine this is a movie from today... You would laugh about the dialogues, you would cringe about acting and probably leave the cinema early. I never want to see that again. Oh, and zero scary bits. The scary stuff was revealed way too early. Like a crime drama where everybody knew everything upfront and it was just about chasing the culprit. Literally every potential ohhhh we don't know was revealed within seconds or upfront.

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@christopher-ffm Complete disagree but hey, the world is a rainbow of opinions. Can't argue with that. But I can 100% argue about "raked in money" because it was a huge bomb when it was released. It took time for word of mouth and critics revisiting it over time to get the respect it has now, which I think proves its merit even more. Again though, we all have our different likes and dislikes. I watched this for the first time a year or two ago and was blown away and I see it every time its playing on the big screen (twice this year so far).
