Review by Angela Mens

Shot Caller 2017

Review by Angela Mens

Shot Caller is about a man who makes 1 mistake and his whole life changes because of it. Whether this can be real or not it is an intriguing movie. The movie starts with him being in jail and we don’t learn why until you’re a good part into the movie, it jumps back and forward from time to time, making it sometimes a bit hard to follow. The only way to know for sure here’s back in time is because he has less tattoo’s.
The acting is superb and it was refreshing to see Nicolaj as a different character as Jaimie.

I am still having a hard time to really be positive or negative about this movie, it feels to me like you have to see it more than once to fully grasp the movie. The story line was confusing sometimes with the flash backs, and action wise it was a whole lot less than Atomic Blonde, might have not been my smartest move to see those 2 just minutes apart.
I am not sure if shows an accurate picture of how things are done in prison, I can image things can be run like they propose in this one.
But something I didn’t truly get was why give everything up you worked so hard for all your life just to throw it all away when you make 1 mistake.
Perhaps it’s better I don’t know if this is true when you go through prison, although I do not think prison here in the Netherlands is as hard as it is in America.

It’s not a movie you really need to see in the theaters, it might even be better to watch it at home, and I don’t think it will be anything for the Oscar’s either.
I give this movie a 7 out of 10.

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