Bajoran politics at the forefront here. This could have been a strong episode if it didn't split its focus so much. The initial (very interesting) plot thread of the returning collaborator Kubus Oak gets sidelined and eventually forgotten by the election of the new Kai, the investigation into Bareil's past, Winn's machinations and some bizarre orb experiences. It's just a bit too fractured to get invested in, and it's maybe a bit overly serious.

Philip Anglim is a bit more relaxed here as Vedek Bareil, but still just seems to go through the motions whenever a scene requires him to be serious.

But we get the amazing Louise Fletcher reprising her role as Winn, and every scene with her is both magic and rage inducing. Her verbal sparring with both Kira and Sisko is great. Odo intimidating Quark into doing something illegal is fun. And for all the episode goes through, it does end with a series-changing event when Winn is elected as the new Kai.

My favourite part is a tiny moment which has nothing to do with the story: watch Odo's reaction when Kira admits to herself that she's in love with Bareil.

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