It's silly to the extreme, but I have a lot of fun with this one. Taking its cues from a Shakespearean style comedy, this is enjoyable but feels so very un-Star Trek. There's no real scientific aspect to the story, or exploration of human nature, or politics or even action. In fact, nothing really happens at all here. It's just a fun diversion with our characters getting to act a bit weird. But DS9 was far more about its characters than other Trek shows.

The acting is actually what always made this memorable for me, with Cirroc Loften (Jake) and Terry Farrell (Jadzia) in particular embracing the comedy aspects and really making them work. The creepy side of Bareil actually gets to work its way into the story, and that actually makes this one of his better appearances! (I LOVE it when he punches SIsko, and then Dax decks him.) Avery Brooks directs and does so beautifully, and there are some lovely epic camera movements spread throughout. The station looks bright and colourful.

I also like the O'Brien/Keiko marriage difficulties storyline, as it feels quite realistic (at points) here.

There's also Lwaxana Troi, who is a difficult character for some people to enjoy. I usually kind of enjoy her appearances, although they could be hit and miss. DS9 managed to use her well and bring out a more caring side to her personality, notable here for the great moment where she recognises Odo's feelings towards Kira.

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