Shout by CinemanicBonkers

Nick of Time 1995

If you've got time, get this watched, it won't be a waste of your time. The story will have you trusting no one, and keep you wanting to know what happens next and It comes with lots of fast paced action. A good performance from (Johnny Depp)

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@cinemanicbonkers I watched, it is a 100% waste of time. Super contrived plot with a happy end. It is better to watch "Shut Up and Dance" (season 3 ep 3 of Black Mirror). A similar plot with much more intriguing twists

@maxkoryukov oh well each for they own, i thought it was good.

@cinemanicbonkers you are absolutely right, it is just not my cup of tea. And I better shouldn't leave comments like that, so I am going to delete it.

I don't like the movie, but it doesn't mean it is a bad movie ;) thanks, mate!
