Shout by Deleted

Somethings in this epsode felt in poor taste to me. It's like the writers didn't want to invoke neo-nazi imagery so instead they softened the mob to be low-IQ hicks. It's an easy target and the show is basically saying "Hah! You're not smart enough for the jobs we have and the jobs you used to work now have all been shipped off to China and India!" Sure. That's kind of the problem isn't it? Nothing insightful or funny about that. In fact it's kind of horrifying, given that low IQ people who have no job prospects historically lead to uprisings. South Park can often be cruel and find humor in that cruelness but not usually when doing social commentary. It also just wasn't funny. Dumb hicks are tired humor. There was nothing risky or all that original. There were some good bits with Seri and the parody of home repair shows. Last season had a weak opener so I hope it will pick-up (but also not devolve as the later episodes of the previous season did.)

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Reply by sp1ti

@lonelypanda Totally agree... the "South Park rednecks" were the wrong pick for the subject matter (with which they did nothing). It just came of as insulting... Did not chuckle once.

@lonelypanda they wanted to show that people complain about getting replaced by machines at their jobs, but no one wants those jobs. The rednecks were probably used because of their slogan: "they took our jobs", and to be more visual.


Reply by Deleted

@bluedi My problem with that is that there isn't much heart or truth to it so it feels flat to me. If they leaned into a more honest, real prejudiced direction, they could show the stupidity of prejudice limiting people's liklihood to get hired when they are already struggling to find work. Which is real and already funny (in a twisted way). As it stands, it feels like the show is beating this strawman that doesn't exist (low IQ working class that just don't want tech jobs out of sheer stubbornness, not inability).

South Park doesn't need this deep analysis. If it's funny to you, then it worked. But when it's not funny to me, I like to stop and think about why and this is basically why: It neither felt true to life nor insightful. South Park is good at exposing dark truths through humour but this just rang false. Again, it gives me the feeling they held back on this one and played it safe.
