[7.6/10] The main event here is the insane Lord of the Flies goings on that develops when a fundraiser for Mr. Peanutbutter descends into chaos after an earthquake sends his house underground. Again, there’s some great social and political commentary, with the responsible Governor Woodchuck being sidelined in favor of Mr. PB’s likability and easy answers. The great twist is that, naturally, things get even worse under Mr. PB’s rules, and then the crowd turns on him too, as is the way of many such populist revolts.

All the while, there’s snootfuls of great comedy. There were folks happy to make fun of themselves, like Jessica Biel being a good sport about her own diminished relevance, and Zach Braff making fun of his own sum-up monologuing ways. Having parrots who just repeat other people’s ideas was amusing, and my god, the guy who gets orgasms over minor changes in power was the running gag that just kept on giving.

BoJack’s reunion and heart-to-heart with Diane was nice, though not overwhelming. I like Diane’s admission that she regrets “everything,” and her worry that she’s a “pit” that happy things fall into, and BoJack not wanting to call her until he was better. There’s the sense that both of them feel kind of broken and find solace in one another in different ways as each gives the other advice they buy but find hard to follow. I don’t relish a BoJack/Diane romance, but I at least appreciate that the show is slow burning toward that.

The weakest bit in the episode was the Todd/Princess Carolyn story with the ants who lived beneath the house. I can appreciate that it’s a way to solve the plot problems, but it just felt a bit too slight.

Overall though, a fun and funny episode.

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