While having a fun episode is always nice once in a while, this feels a bit too empty to really be memorable. It's an excellent showcase for both Quark and Rom, with both of the actor's comedic skills being allowed to shine, but it does so little to further their characters. This could often be an issue with Ferengi-centric episodes of DS9, which always varied in quality for me. Zek is a joy, as ever, and his revised Rules of Acquisition are pretty funny.

I like seeing the wormhole aliens/Prophets again, anyway. I think this is the first time they've appeared since the pilot. Also, the appearance of another Bajoran Orb (The Orb of Wisdom, apparently) should have been a much bigger deal than was made here.

The b-plot with Julian is equally empty, and does little to contrast or match up with the main story. Fortunately, it's in the background enough to be enjoyable, and I was especially fond of seeing Odo turn into a gossip. Plus, the first appearance of the dartboard!

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