"Directed by Jonathan Frakes". Guest stars aren't always in front of the camera :)
Also, Charlize Theron <3
Up next, Natalie Portman? Besides the episode itself, guest stars are becoming something to look forward in "The Orville".

This show has turned up to be quite a pleasant surprise, it's undeniably very "Star Trek" at heart. It feels odd to admit that, as a Star Trek fan, I'm actually enjoying this more than "Star Trek: Discovery".

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@misnomer this show sucks!!! compared to Star Trek Discovery!!!!


OPReply by kinky

@mike_mayhem well, that is your opinion. I like them both, since they're both attempting to accomplish different things. But Discovery sucks when compared to TNG.

@misnomer I like it and STD but so far orville is top for me.

@blizz127 that makes sense, specially if you're a Star Trek fan, probably because "The Orville" has that classic Star Trek feel, whereas "Discovery" looks like a new show set in space. But I like them both, as well. "The Orville" is the show that keeps my nostalgia happy, though.

@misnomer imo Discovery is for new viewer who loves watching series with cliff hanger, while oldies Star Trek fans might love the Orville because of one story per episode


OPReply by kinky

@snydez I don't think it's just that, but it does make sense for it to be something to take into account when deciding to watch one over the other.
