Great look at the Jem'Hadar, finally giving us a proper idea of how they operate. It's also cool that we see soldiers that have a different way of thinking to the ones we've met previously, yet still they embody the same basic traits. The young one we met back in 'The Abandoned' suggested that they were incapable of independent thought, but this makes them more interesting.

Worf getting in the way of Odo's investigation and then being made to be the bad guy feels a bit insincere, since Odo absolutely lets Quark get away with murder and always will. It's also a bit dumb that Worf was never told what was going on, which would have avoided the embarrassing situation. But, it's an important step for him realising that he needs to change to fit in on the station.

The most compelling part is the conflict between Julian and Miles, whose bromance has finally blossomed. When they have a serious disagreement like this it actually feels like a big deal and things end of a bit of an uncomfortable note. Seeing Bashir as O'Brien's superior isn't something that comes into play too often.

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