Review by Gaby
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-10-12T05:11:19Z— updated 2018-10-27T20:35:05Z

Episode sets up the pay off that was placed earlier in the season when Six saw the ad for human clones/conscious transfering. We start off the episode with Six being killed and disintegrating immediately. Cut to Six waking up in at a clinic in a Pod. Surprise! It was his clone who died. So many questions!! Why did he have a clone? How long has he had it? Did he join the Raza before or after cloning? Will the original Six have all his memories now that the clone is gone? Is he going to rejoin the team? How will the team react to this revelation?

No wait! Six isn't the clone, Six cloned himself. To be able to move away from the Raza. This is even better than a reveal, it's not for backstory but to push the story forward. Was not expecting this use of the clone tidbit.

Really enjoyed the bit where the group goes out for dinner and ends up drunk. Showing them just hanging out and not trying to not get killed. Also, Three mourning his lost lady love while being drunk is great.

One and Four follow Six via clones, and another Surprise! We are confirmed that One, or the face of One isn't really his. When his real self is revealed via the clone. Again, we are confirmed what was planted in an earlier episode when One meets himself, who implies he altered his feautres to look like the criminal. Now the question, why? Why go through the trouble of looking like an outlaw? Why did he want to be on the ship? So many questions!

Also loved how Four believes he is One when he calls Three a jerk. Like, yes, I've met him.

Six goes after the General who made him a murderer (and fugitive) not a freedom fighter. As he finally kills him only to discover he killed a clone.... well, this clone thing just makes this more complicated. So close, yet so far.

Shit hits the fan for One as the team finds out his truth.

Another reveal! One is a corporate heir and went on the ship to go after Three for his wife's murder.

Well, this is getting more complicated, and interesting, with each episode.

This episode is the show finally hitting it's stride. The writing sets up and pays off many elements that have been placed earlier. And the actors are finally messhing into a workable dynamic.

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