[5.5/10] There wasn’t much to this one. The Mark Zuckerberg as Kung Fu overdub bit was a complete and total misfire. The metaphor that people invited Facebook into their lives and then complained about its omnipresence was pretty blunt without having a particularly interesting satirical take on the idea.

There was some easy humor to be derived from the boys not being interested in becoming superheroes to make lots of money rather than to help people (and jokes at Netflix’s expense about greenlighting everything), but it’s pretty simple stuff. And Butters running his own misinformation campaign had potential but didn’t get really off the ground.

Frankly, I would have expected a more incisive take on the whole “fake news” phenomenon from South Park than this. Sure, using fake news against Zuckerberg himself to win is mildly clever, but even then it’s a pretty standard reversal. I guess this one mostly existed to reintroduce Coon and Friends ahead of the new South Park game.

Overall, one of the shaggier and all around weaker episodes of the season so far.

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