It looks as though I will be watching this season for more of the same reasons: Veronica, Betty, all too rare appearances by Josie, and the intriguing psychosis of Cheryl.

Why does Jughead have a motorcycle? Where did he get it? When did he learn to ride it?
What's all this nonsense about the ambulance not coming? Why didn't Pop drive Fred to the hospital? Was the whole purpose of that just for the -drama- of Archie swerving all over town?
Why has Hermione Lodge done something of a 180 and not respect her daughter's intelligence and the fact that these "disrespectful" accusations Veronica's making seem to be one of the few things on this show that make a lot of sense?
What happened with Daddy Blossom in the barn or whatever? Is this something I've forgotten or some big upcoming twist?
Why did Fred Andrews have so many overdramatic fever dreams? Could they just not fill the air time? (I do love Veronica's wedding dress though).
Was Jughead not tipped off by the phrase "knock some heads together" that the Serpents methods might be less than peaceful?

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What is your record for consecutive questions?

They are quite good actually.
