What a fight!
Kerry Bishé, Mackenzie Davis and Toby Huss gave real weight to the scene. Davis' physical reaction was very affecting, even if (like me) you don't feel much sympathy for her. Writer Michael Saltzman gave everyone simple, short lines full of meaning – those buttons that can be pushed only by who is close to you. Director Karyn Kusama made sure that we witnessed everything, in all its uncomfortable glory.
Delivering such an intense scene is no small feat and the show did a great job.

Too bad that this whole conflict has been postponed for almost a season too long. Until now Cameron's maturity seemed to turn on and off based on the writers needs, not on what made sense for the character. It is very unlikely that Cameron wouldn't mature at all during years of working with Donna and running her own company. Cameron should have at least been able to figure out that she could be outvoted. Come on, they're the ones that keep saying she's a genius!
This would have all seemed like an almost realistic way of showing that conflicts tend to fester over time... if Gordon didn't forgive Joe so quickly on this very episode. It seems that while Donna and Cameron were locked in this loop, Joe and Gordon were the ones truly evolving, albeit at a very slow pace.

It seems like everything stayed suspended until Joe and Gordon were mature enough, had plenty chances to prove it and finally reunited. Then (and only then) Donna and Cameron could be released and finally have everything out in the open. All just in time for the season's final stretch.

Sometimes it doesn't seem like this show trusts that it's audience can keep up, so every conflict and theme is repeated several times ahead of its conclusion (also looking at you, Joe the new wave guru).
I get that taking things slow makes for compelling dramas, but this show really pushed the concept to its limits, at the characters' expense.

Well finally the inevitable has happened, we got a very cathartic scene from it and can hopefully move on from this mess.
On to the next episodes! :D

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