First of all, I am so grateful that AMC let this amazing crew and cast finish their vision.

I lived in Silicon Valley for last 18 years, during the heights of dotcom, followed by a dotcom crash, then web 2.0 revival, and now cloud computing and machine learning revolution. I remember coming to Silicon Valley with big dreams, living in a sparsely furnished 1-bedroom apartment. Worked with big companies, worked with dotcom startups. Ups and downs. Now living in a pretty nice house in the heart of Silicon Valley, I sometimes wonder if my dreams are still alive. Just like the cast of Halt and Catch Fire.

The series ends with an open question, the very question that started the series: "Let me start by asking a question."

Dreams start with a question. And like Phoenix, it's then all about the journey. People you meet and work with. The brainstorming. Sleepless nights. Iterate. Demos. Failures. Pivots. I loved every minutes of Halt and Catch Fire. It's been an amazing journey.

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@nutmac Not 100% sure as it's hard to make out, but I think Joe says "Please start by asking a question" in the final. Which I feel reflects his growth.
