Review by Vero

I really love Kara's emotionally heave scenes. But seriously, is this going to be the same every single week? Hello Kara and welcome back to Supergirl, how what emotional issue can we write for you today? Things aside, that departure from Krypton was pretty dope and heartbreaking, especially when you see Kal-El's pod jump into hyper space and Kara's doesn't. Psi was cool though. Not a very strong meta but she did put everyone in a tough position and the fears she brought to the characters were an interesting way of setting up the story and a whole new bunch of plot lines that were missed after the premiere. I was a bit disappointing that Kara's greatest fear wasn't re-living her home being blown up but how guilty she felt for putting Mon-El on that pod. Putting it all aside, her greatest fear wasn't what happened to Mon-El and her guilt over allegedly killing him, but putting him in the same position she was. She did exactly the same she hated her mom for doing.
The Sam/Ruby combo felt a bit weird, though. But I liked that the writers set them up as normal characters. Ruby is an annoying brat running towards danger. That pissed me off. However, her overconfidence made me think she's developing powers of some sort. And Sam is just focused on being a mother and we already know she's the big bad this season, so having her acting all normal was refreshing. I guess it'll be Ruby the one who pushes her to realize her powers but that last scene showed that she can't use them whenever she wants but when really needed.
Big-ass giant hole at CatCo' elevator. nñNo one notices. Kara even left her belongings there. It's hard to believe they don't have CCTV footage of her flying out the elevator.
I feel like the Maggie/Alex relationship is not gonna last long. Maybe it was that stupid argument but I can feel. I don't forsee a happy ending for them. Plus, Maggie is there just to be Alex girlfriend. They should give her a job at the CEO to develop her character. Lena was great.

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Big-ass giant hole at CatCo' elevator. No one notices. Kara even left her belongings there. It's hard to believe they don't have CCTV footage of her flying out the elevator.

Yeeaaahh. Same thought, here. I like the show, and even this episode, but it's sloppy details like that that set me back a bit and make me wish for better detail-level writing. It can't be that much more effort to think that scene through a bit more and account for the details.

@thogek Exactly. Just explain it somehow or at least address it. It's not that difficult,even if the explanation is absurd.
