[7.8/10] Kicking off any episode with a network censor being butchered in cartoonish fashion is a great and memorable way to get Halloween started.

The first story is an I Am Legend parody that sees Homer as the only survivor of a nuclear blast. It’s a funny segment, with plenty of great post-apocalyptic humor in Homer’s oblivious and then carefree state. The twists with the surviving mutants and eventually the surviving Simpsons keep the story moving along nicely.

The middle is a riff on The Fly, and it’s mostly a gag fest, but still tells a tidy little story of its own. All the humor involving the matter transference device is inspired, and it’s continually funny how quickly The Simpsons take to the new fly version of their son. The fight with fly Bart is well done to boot.

And the last story is superb as well. It’s a canny move to switch from a story about the salem witch trails to an apocryphal but enjoyable story about the first Halloween, and getting to see Marge play evil for once is a treat.

Overall, a Halloween classic, and another sign that Season 9 still had some of that Simpsons golden years shine on it!

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